Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Likely Is It That A Cold Sore Will Turn Into Genital Herpes? – Best Tips For Treating A Cold Sore And Avoid G

How Likely Is It That A Cold Sore Will Turn Into Genital Herpes? – Best Tips For Treating A Cold Sore And Avoid Genital Herpes

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I have a cold sore, how likely is the possibility that it will turn into genital herpes? Can anyone give me a percentage of How Likely Is It That a Cold Sore Will Turn into Genital Herpes ? And how can you treat it?

If you also want to know this, then let me say this first: It won’t turn into genital herpes on you. Once you have had the virus on your mouth for a few months, you produce antibodies to the herpes virus that prevent you getting the same type of herpes genitally . So if you got your first cold sore more than 3-6 months ago you won’t transfer it to your genitals if you touch your mouth and then your genitals by accident. I’d still wash your hands well though, just in case.


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